Well … that was quite a year.
As I sit here reflecting, I sit here grateful for the multitude of opportunities to grow. Every challenge was like a coin with two sides. Whilst one side might be facing me, I always knew there was the other side just out of view.
And so I always felt a sense of hope, of expectation, or excitement sometimes about that other side of the coin.
This year has brought many challenges, and as we exit 2024 we exit as very different people that the ones who stepped into 2024 on January 1st. We are changed.
Challenges do that. They change us. We rise to the occasion, we give it all we have to give … or we sit back and cry and do nothing. Things don’t change if we stay stuck in the same old cycle of behaviour and thought.

And so, I am looking toward 2025 with a new mindset.
I had already decided 2025 was to be a year of progress, and that our hope would fuel that progress … but it would do more than that. With that hope fuelling our progress, we would THRIVE.
We will THRIVE in 2025!! That’s the new catchphrase!!! That’s what this next year is all about.
But it’s going to take effort, it’s going to take work, it’s going to require that we really dedicate ourself to our path, our life journey, our goals and dreams. We need to be prepared to really work for them!
What faces you now is only one side of the coin.
If you want to get better at something, if you want to get fit, eat better, get better at a musical instrument, do more cycling, whatever it is … dedicate yourself to that commitment. No excuses.
What areas of life do you want to improve at, to excel at (excel not as competition with others, but excel as in improving constantly)? Where do you want to drive more energy?
Nothing happens without your input and energy, and hard work. If you don’t change, your world won’t change. It has to start with me and you. It has to!
When my inner world changes, my outer world changes. Do you see that power in that? The global effect that you have?
Many people talk about things changing, and they do not make it clear enough that you are the driving force on your own journey. No one will walk it for you. No one will change you. Only you can change you. Only you can choose your actions, words, thoughts. If you sit back and wait for the world to change, and do nothing about your own required changes to make yourself the very best version of yourself that you could possibly be, the highest vibration version of you that you could possible be (knowing that that is a lifelong journey of continued steps of change one after another) then your life will not change.
As you vibrate higher … life responds. It’s that simple.
Though it appears we are in a world of chaos, there are always levels of chaos and in between those levels of chaos, peace exists … To reach a higher level of peace, we navigate the layer of chaos, rising though it. Chaos comes and goes, it is not a constant. It is simply a time of change.
So … I will repeat: We will THRIVRE in 2025!!
If you don’t want to, that’s fine. If you are content when you sit, that’s fine. If you don’t want to do the work, that’s fine. If you want to sit and wait for things to change, that’s fine. But me … I am off on a magnificent journey of change and growth!
I leave 2024 a very different person than the one who entered 2024 … and I know that many many people will say the same thing!