Since I am ALL … just let people be …

Comprehending a new view of life, of the endless energy, of the non-separateness. Of the simple fact that my very thoughts create a vibration which ripples out. Nothing I do is without impact. The smallest things, such as enjoying a cup of tea, has an impact on the universe. 

How can I take such understanding and help the world? 

Well … the thing is … I am the Universe, and therefor, since there is no separation, no way to ‘be’ without impacting everything … how about I just live my best life? How about I be happy, patient, living, calm, graceful, appreciative, kind, supportive, encouraging? How about I be the best me I can be?

The impact begins with me … In fact … it’s all about me. You see, I cannot tell you what to do, what to think, how to act. That’s your business, that’s your journey, and it’s actually got nothing to do with me … unless I have a reaction to something you say or do, in which case it is nothing to do with you and only to do with me and my own journey. So … yeah, your journey is yours and my journey is mine.

I had a conversation with a person the other day and he said that we can only be an example, to live as the example of what we believe and know. And though that may sound very simple, it is also very profound. How many people do you know who simply go about their life living their beliefs and neither talk about them (unless asked), nor preach, nor berate, nor try to convince you that they are right. How many people do you know who are so filled with ego that they preach at you just to show off how much they know?

I made a decision, after meeting two such people … and I realised the impact … the first one, who shared those words with me left me feeling uplifted, inspired, touched, and the second left me feeling worn down. Which of these people had the higher energy? The first one. Which of these people was filled with ego and pride? The second one.

I hope, and I try, to share my understandings as I walk my journey so that I may inspire you on your journey. As I walk my own journey I understand things in a new way every day … and so if I can even tell you that then I hope it helps you understand that we grow and change and we understand things differently as we grow and change.

Allow other people to walk their journey, just focus on your own. Learn along the way, as we always have.  When we seek, the guidance will come, the inspiration will come.

Let other people be who they are … “Let Sally be Sally” “Let Paul be Paul” “Let Molly be Molly” … let them be. And focus only on you. It is a much more peaceful way to be. Allow others their won journey, and focus only on your journey.