Take the risk … take the leap

Life presents many opportunities to us, and some of them we turn down out of fear, fear of failure, fear of being hurt. Fear stops us dead in our tracks. Fear keeps us trapped and limited, safe in the confines of the known.

What I have come to understand lately is, sometimes there are things worth the risk. Sometimes it is worth stepping out on the limb, or leaping off that ledge.

A leap of faith, because in our gut, we feel something that is beautiful, something that tells us ‘yes, take that leap’ … and as much as fear tries to pull us back … we can’t stop ourselves falling …

What we fall into is the unknown. What we fall into is magic and possibility. What we fall into is pure trust. And if we are wise, what we fall into is pure love. Can we be hurt? Could this all go horribly wrong?

Yes. Absolutely. And yet, we still cannot stop the fall. It is too late … the beauty within us has already birthed, almost of her own accord, and we are powerless to stop it, and powerless to contain it. And so, we fall …

And as we fall something miraculous begins to happen … all of our fear disappears.

Whatever happens, happens. Complete acceptance. Unconditional love. Purity of Self. Purity of presence. Purity of trust. Purity of faith.

Will I risk it all?

I already have.

Am I afraid.
