I do not own this house I live in. We are consciousness, sharing our time together. We take care of each other.
I do not own my dog companion who lives with me. He is his own being. We are each consciousness. We are companions who enjoy our time together, cherish each other, take care of each other, love, laugh, and rejoice at life.
I do not own the pot plants in my house. They are consciousness, as am I. They are beings, as am I. We share our energy and our love, we share feelings and appreciation of each other. We take care of each other.
I do not own the crystals in my house. They are consciousness, containing (as does everything) great wisdom. I will die one day and leave, but the crystals’ journey will continue. In the meantime we share companionship, appreciate, and joy of each other.
There is a mutual respect between my home and I, between the land and I, between everything in my home and I.
Consciousness cannot own consciousness.