There is a reason for all things.

I don’t know what it is … I just know there is a reason behind all things.
Just because I do not know what it is … does not mean it is not there.
During the covid lockdowns and all that happened, I witnessed people behave in the way they behaved … I remember who was angry and who railed against everything. I remember who was angry, and who was calm and loving.
Now I witness those who were angry and bitter, portraying themselves as a perfect, loving, compassionate being … and I remember their lack of compassion.
You see … in everything we do and say, we show who we are. And people remember.
This is why it is so important to be in your heart and stay in your heart. To act and speak from your heart, from love, from calm, from peace. Always.
People remember.
One of the wonderful gifts of the lockdowns was the clarity with which we saw people.
Many we had put on pedestals that now lay in a crumbled heap.
Many we had looked upon as mentors, as inspirations, and now we sit with our disappointments.
There is a reason for all things. And there are lessons in all things. When we can step back and look, with peace and grace, upon our world … we can begin to bring more peace and grace into our world.
Those who got angry and bitter only added to the anger and bitterness when what was so desperately needed was the opposite! The opportunity had been presented! It was an opportunity many turned away from.
But not all.
The quiet underground movement of love, peace, grace, continued to grow and strengthen. For the work we do is done silently, sacredly, it does not need to be emblazoned across the world.
In our actions and our words, we portray ourselves to the world. And our vibrational offering, in those actions and words, and indeed even in our thoughts, has an impact, and effect upon the world.
Did you know that when you look upon someone you love, or even at your dog or cat whom you love, or your garden which you love … that love that you feel has such a profound effect upon the world.
There is a saying ‘when people show you who they are, believe them’. And so, as I said, I watched the behaviour of many during the lockdowns, and I am speaking of the spiritual communities, and I have not forgotten.
There is a lot of deceit in the world. But it is easily seen through. And it is seldom forgotten.
Should we turn the other cheek and give second chances? Again I will repeat ‘when people show you who they are, believe them.’ Has what they are showing us changed? Or is it merely pretty language?
There is an essence in words … a beautiful and soft current that weaves in and out … that touches the reader or the listener … and we feel that … we feel that soft essence. And in this way … there can be no secrets. Unless we decide to be blindly deluded.
Many charismatic people can have you believing all sorts of things. But, again, look at their actions, look at the way they live. Feel the essence of all they say. The ego is loud, it is arrogance covered in the make-up of false humility. Clearly felt, clearly seen.
As the world moves forward we all have a part of play, but it is not a huge noisy part, loud, on the stage, on the television, noisy across all media, it is … the quiet revolution of love and peace.