Our greatest legacy

What is the greatest legacy we can leave behind?

It is love.

It is that we loved well, and were loved in return.

It is that we cared about people, that we were kind, that we loved ourself so well that we were like a beacon of love.

The possessions we leave behind are momentos, but they will, within a generation, or even a decade, be forgotten. But the love we leave within those we loved … ahh, that lasts forever.

The greatest gift my parents ever gave my sister and I was their love. We knew that we were loved. There were no demands on that love, it did not come with a price or with any conditions. We were loved. And this taught us how to love. And so that legacy left by our parents to us, has been passed forward to our children.

The very best gift we can give this world, is that love.

What the world most needs is love. For all people to be loved, to be appreciated. For the land and the life upon it to be loved and appreciated.

What the world does not need is wars over ownership of land which, in reality, belongs to the Earth herself. She owns it. It’s hers. It is her. We do not own the Earth, we rely on the Earth for our life.

But, lets get back to love …

Love is a higher vibration than fear. Fear is the opposite of love, not hate , because hate only comes from fear. So think of it as scales … one end is fear, the other end is love, and when we as humankind, are able to tip that scale towards love, then the world will become a place of love.

The animals … all they have to give is love. Yes animals kill and devour other animals, and that is part of the balance of nature, and survival. There is a pattern of life. No we do not like to see an animal killed, it is awful, but at the same time, there is a necessary balance.

Cats, dogs, squirrels, foxes … all life has love to give.

Trees, grass, birds, bugs … all life has love to give.

When we love a person, an animal, a plant, they thrive. They do well under the beauty of the frequency of love.

Do not be afraid of the world. Love the world. Love it with all your heart.

And love yourself with all your heart. 

Simple, and yet … profound