The truth is always very simple, and yet so are excuses.
I ate those three slices of white bread because they tasted good, I will get back to eating healthy tomorrow. And the next day the same thing happens. Before I know it my weight has creeped up, I don’t feel so at ease in my clothes.
I get impatient, intolerant … and I justify it.
I don’t do 25 push ups every night like I told myself I would, because I am tired.
Truth is … all of that … is just a bucket of excuses and weakness.
This is not who I am.
I have strength, power, kindness, grace, peace, softness, discipline, all within me, they are part of me. They are the better parts of me. And so …. Time to bring that forth again.
I use the bits I don’t like to clarify who I am.
This ‘it is my choice’ phrase has become a part of my everyday life. It is my choice if I want to get my weight down, and it is my choice if I eat those three slices of bread. It is my choice if I want to tone my arm muscles, and it is my choice if I lift those weights every night. It is my choice if I want my garden tidy. It is my choice to take time to pull the weeds out. It is my choice if I want to have healthy lunches at work or just crap food. It is my choice to make a tray of mini veg frittatas and take 3 or 4 for lunch each day with a dollop of mayo.
It is my choice to focus on a future of abundance. It is my choice to worry about a future of lack. It is my choice to dream big and hold that vision, knowing I have the faith and trust in the Universe/Source/God to support making it happen. It is my choice to decide ‘I will never be able to afford any of that’ and then put that out to the universe/Source/God.
It is my choice to believe in myself.
It is my choice to know that satisfaction in my day does not come from eating foods, it comes from feeling my alignment with Source/Universe/God. It comes from that alignment, and that alignment nourishes me
It is my choice to be happy. It is my choice to focus on that which I appreciate and am grateful for. It is my choice to focus on the negative, the awful things in life, that cruelty in the world. It is my choice to love the animals in my life, and to treat them well and make sure they always know I love them dearly.
It is my choice to honour everyone else’s journey, regardless of what it is.
It is my choice to honour my own path, even though I have no idea where it is leading me or what it will contain. It is my choice to simply walk with faith.
As I pour my cup of tea in the morning, it is my choice to ask myself “What is the very best that I can make of this moment?” and then I allow myself to experience the serenity of pouring that tea, and the enjoyment of the very first sip. “What is the very best that I can make of this moment?” has become a part of the way I live my life, the question that is always with me, so that I can answer that question as beautifully as possible.
I took Axel, my Cairn Terrier, for a walk around the Bays yesterday, and we paused and looked out over the harbour and it felt like, and was Heaven. It was heaven on earth. You see … I now understand that Heaven—for me—is a state of being, not a destination after death. The water of the harbour was calm, the sun was shining, the air was still and tepid, Axel was happy, and I was happy, and it was heaven. It was my choice to pause and experience that and enjoy it, and allow it to fill me.
You see … everything in life is a choice.