As a writer … I have to write, or I do not feel satisfied, I do not feel I have engaged all parts of me in a day. For me, writing is my way of being …
Writing is my Way … my Way to understanding, to clarity, to communication with the Divine.
In oneness, the words flow, and I become one with the word, the flow, the Divine rhythm … and I feel a magic fill me and flow through me … It is a feeling that can barely be described…
In rhythm, I feel God’s touch upon my hand
I feel his words whisper into my heart
Beloved we are one
You are never not me
But I am all things
I am joy, love, but I am also the sadness that you feel
For we are never apart
We are one
Your pain is my pain
I feel it
Your joy is my joy
I feel it
Dear one
My joy is your joy
Feel it
My love is your love
Feel it
My peace is your peace
Feel it
I am always there
We are one
One being
You are an expression of my consciousness
Be in alignment with our oneness
Know what it is t truly live
To truly love
To create
For creation is merely a thought
An idea
Thinking into being
When you know who and what you are
There are no limits
We are one
Live our life well
You see … for me Writing is my Way. I admit that I have been distracted by many things lately but I still come back to the laptop, to pen and paper, to thinking and walking, and always … always … I come back to my Way.
Once upon a time I was a follower … but no one else’s words or Way seemed to fit, and I knew I needed to find my own. I searched, read, studied, and learnt from many people as I navigated my way to my own Way. And, just as important, I found faith in my Way.
2020 saw many things shift for many people. There is much crumbling in the world, but only that without solid and true foundations will crumble, so, that which crumbled, was ready to do so … it’s time has come and gone … a new journey ahead is being born. And, as we all know (especially all of the mothers of the world) birth is never easy. Yet, here we stand, all of us, ready for a better way ahead.

When I wrote The Naked Soul, a visionary novel, I did not know what was coming, I did not know I would find my Way so clearly, did not know what life would bring to our doorsteps … but, then again, I have also discovered that there is a Divine timing that exists, even if I do not know it.
The Naked Soul is a story … and in that story is the way forward.
A novel whose time has come.
I have 47 copies of The Naked Soul for sale here in New Zealand, ($34.95) (there were 50, but 3 sold within minutes of me announcing it had been printed!), and I am in the process of having it adapted into e-book as well.

The way forward is in our hands … the change of the world is in our hands. Welcome to a new journey …