As we take these steps through the last days of 2022 there will be many who have had a tough year (and I certainly don’t want to talk about it here), but within every single moment is an opportunity.
If our spiritual foundations are strong, if they are genuine, if we have walked our talk, then we will understand and embrace (fully) the challenges of our journey. Why? Because we learn from every challenge. We learn how to navigate them.
If we have been walking our spiritual journey for many years and then we fall completely the moment things get tough … well … then it is clear we have been all talk and platitudes, and that our spiritual foundations are weak and fragile. Is that a harsh thing to say? Perhaps …. But it is also to call ourselves out on our own bullshit and our own ‘poor me’ mentality. Too many play the victim, stuck in it like some kind of martyr.
Am I a victim? Fuck no. Will I whine on social media about how tough things are? Fuck no! Will I tell people I am struggling? Fuck no!
Will I tell people ‘this is a glorious day, look at this beautiful sunrise?” Fuck yes! Will I rejoice in the simple beauty of life? Fuck yes? Will I post pictures of my beautiful dog and companion? Fuck yes! Will I post pictures of my beautiful guitars (even though I cannot play well yet)? Fuck yes! Will I focus on the positive and encourage others to do the same? Fuck yes!!
Why? Cos that is who I am!
I don’t lament what I have been through. Why would I? Life is filled with many things and that is just life. Life is life. People come and people go. People are born and people die. Friendships come and friendships go. That is life!
What is important is this moment, and this moment and this moment. I sit here writing this in such a state of happiness. I had a beautiful time with my family today and I feel so loved and so cherished by those who I so love and cherish too. I feel uplifted and sustained by the food we shared, I feel nourished on every level by the conversation and the laughter.
What I embrace and know, fully, is that there is great power in my love, and great power in my thoughts, and great power in my faith in Source Energy.
What I focus on, what I think about and dwell on, this is all creating the moments ahead of me. I am both the ship and the one steering the ship. And I am the ocean of consciousness too.
Look at all the beauty around you … and rejoice in it!