Don’t be an arsehole!
It could be the most divine advice ever given!
Don’t Be an Arsehole!
In a world where kindness is not just needed, but is most needed by YOU, FOR YOU! Yes, you read that right. YOU need the kindness.
Think about that … think about the times when someone has been kind to you. How did it make you feel? How did it impact your vibration?
Most likely you felt good, you felt uplifted.
Now, I ask you … why do you not give kindness to yourself and to others, when you know full well what it feels like to receive it? Do you allow yourself to become bitter in a world that seems bitter?
Fact is, the world is not a bitter place, your own mind is. What you expect to perceive, you will perceive. What you expect to see, you will see. It’s not that you are seeing what is there, it is that you are seeing what you believe you will see.
It is the anger from not understanding this simple principle that causes some people to act out, to strike another. They strike in the anger of their own anguish. They may think they are tough, but the act of violence comes for a fear, a terror, it does not come from strength. It comes for being so afraid of being hurt yourself that you lash out to drive that pain into another, to fend it off by beating it to the punch line. … But all it does is set a law in motion: Reap what you sow. And you will reap. And it will be brutal. And you were the cause of it. You were the one who set it in motion. You were the arsehole.
So, as I said: Don’t be an arsehole.
Kindness is a simple way of living, a very true and real way of living. It does not mean giving away all your money and all you own. It means being kind to people, to animals, to nature. It means smiling at stranger when you notice they seem a little down. It means offering to open the door for a person. It means offering a helping hand when you see the need. It means being respectful to all people, no matter what job they do.
Kindness is a part of the human nature that is so often untapped because so many people think it is a sign of weakness. It is not. It is a sign of strength. Or they think it might reveal a vulnerability that people may prey on. It does not.
Kindness is the act of living from the heart. It is the act of seeing the beauty in the world and appreciating it. It is in seeing a tree in blossom and smiling in joy at that tree. It is in smiling at a beautiful art, a child, a cat, a dog, it is in rejoicing at the magnificent beauty that is all around if you would just take the time and truly notice it.
Kindness is a way of life.
It does not make you a doormat. It does not mean people will always be wanting something from you. And even if they do, you do not need to say yes to every demand for fear of appearing unkind. There are gentle ways to say ‘no’ that are still kind. Being kind does not mean you give money to every person that asks, but what you do give is a smile, you give your heartfelt kindness towards them, towards their plight in life. Remember that their journey is theirs, not yours. Your job is not to make their journey easier, that is their job. You are responsible for your journey,
So … think about that journey. Think about how wonderful it would be to both give and receive kindness from people, from life itself.
Be kind, in a world where kindness so often seems to be unvalued.
And … don’t be an arsehole!